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(Cool story bro: since supplies are limited, get me straight to that 50% OFF DEAL!)

The Inspiration

When I applied to study abroad in Norway, I knew that if I ended up going, I would regret leaving at the end. Hoping to cushion the blow and postpone reverse culture shock as long as possible, when I purchased my return flight from the US to Norway, I pushed my return date out as far as I could - returning just in time for my brothers' weddings.

The final 6 weeks I spent backpacking sections around Northern Norway, from Knivskjellodden (the true Northernmost point of  mainland Europe) to Bergen by Foot, Bus, and Ferry, mostly. The views were incredible, and it was a new experience going weeks without darkness, experiencing the Midnight Sun. No matter how I tried to document the experience, the pictures didn't seem to do justice to the locations.

Nearly a decade after this amazing opportunity to study abroad and document it, software has been developed available in my price range that is easy enough for me to use to get these images close enough to the original view that I am comfortable sharing them with the public.

The Photo - Crossing the Creek

 I was actively hiking on a well-maintained DNT trail when I had to stop prematurely and take a break to enjoy this view. I had only broken camp less than an hour ago, and hadn't planned to stop until later when it warmed up a bit.

With a view like this it was worth stopping. On longer trips, you learn to enjoy catching a breath, eating a snack, and sitting in the sun when you get a primo spot. Why rush it and risk never getting a chance to see this view again?

The Promo

As a bit of a nerd, I have created my first promo to be mathematically pleasing as well as an excellent savings opportunity!

For a limited time only, get a canvas print of Crossing the Creek with the following details:

 36" x 36" stretched canvas for only $108!

That's 36^2 inches for 36^3 dollars.

Mathidentally, full price is $216 for a 36"x36" Stretched Canvas print... meaning it is also HALF OFF!!!

That's a deal worth grabbing whether or not you like math. :)

Grab it now! Sale ends soon! 50% OFF DEAL!

Contact Me

Website is under migration to new hosting solution, so is not reliable.

To contact Paul at this time, please use for email correspondence.

Art - Healing and Inspiring

At different times, I've played the piano, sang, painted acrylics, shot photography and video, travelled other countries and experienced live events of dance, dress, and ceremony... For me a beer and a local artist performing free at a pub is just as worthwhile (if not more) than a ticket to an event with thousands of people enjoying stars at the height of their fame. Also, fuck Ticketmaster looong before the current struggles.

At this time, I have a multi-media art series I have envisioned and planned, and I have a significant number of the supplies needed. What I truly lack is space. If you have space you could allow me to use for a few weeks, and a willingness for me to be present primarily outside of standard M-F business hours, please contact me!

While I have many art ventures in my heart, my photography is the first thing available. See the Art page for more details!

Thoughts Unbidden - No social media

I may very unreliably share my thoughts on current events, not-so-current events, and more. Whether you agree or not, you don't even need to "unfollow" me. How cool is that. Just leave here and don't bookmark this page. Sorted.